VetPrep did a great job giving me an all encompassing review of everything I learned over the last four years. It really helped home in on all of the main points and big picture concepts.
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VetPrep was a fantastic study tool. I enjoyed using the statistics to track my progress and the species-specific question blocks to focus my studying. The wealth of practice questions made me feel confident going into the NAVLE. I highly recommend VetPrep for comprehensive, interactive and efficient studying during a busy clinical year!

I 100% believe that completing all of VetPrep was essential in my passing the NAVLE. The practice questions and timed tests were very similar to the actual NAVLE questions. The timed practice tests also helped me learn to assess each question for the information needed and stay on track, which was vital in the real test. The PowerPages and PowerLectures were also a big help for quick freshening up on topics I need a little help with. I highly recommend VetPrep for every vet student!

VetPrep was a perfect combination of reading material, review lectures and of course, practice questions. The format was ideal for my hectic rotation schedule and allowed me to review all my species on the go, in between cases and during down time. Thank you VetPrep for helping me pass my NAVLE!
Overall this was the best study resource for me regarding the NAVLE...when you're in the middle of clinical rotations, with three years of rigorous and exhausting textual courses behind you, it is difficult to sit down and study pages of written material. VetPrep was so helpful because the question format keeps you motivated, almost like a game...I don't know how I would have passed without this resource so thank you so much. I have already recommended to numerous classmates in the year below me to use VetPrep for their NAVLE preparation for next year.

It was recommended by students and vets that used it to pass the NAVLE. I loved the fact sheets and extra info at the bottom of questions and even still do the free daily questions. VetPrep covers topics important for the Boards and includes real cases you'll see while in practice. It works!

This job is largely about what you know and the knowledge you gain in one species can always be applied in another. VetPrep did a good job summarizing the important points so even if I never treat a pig, I understand the different disease processes and can apply that knowledge to other situations with the species I do work with. The questions were well-formulated and the summarized study notes saved me time.

VetPrep helped me review the most important topics for a broad overview and helped with time management to take the test. It was easy to use and representative of the board exam format and topics. Ultimately, it helped teach me time management and efficiency, which are both very important as a practicing vet.
I'm definitely planning to mention VetPrep in my exit interview - it's the only major study source I used. Because of my rough clinic schedule, I didn't have time to do further studying except to attend a few faculty-led review sessions (on porcine and avian topics) and go through the NBVME tutorial the night before I took the NAVLE. I passed the first time I took the test. Definitely worth the subscription price.
Amazing! I wouldn't have had any other good way to structure my studying, it made all the difference. I ended up with an 89 score (passing 75) really with only doing 100% of VetPrep. So evidently it was more than enough!
As a foreign graduate I have always been somewhat isolated in preparing for the NAVLE. The VetPrep material was the most helpful in preparing for this test. It kept me focused and prevented me from getting lost in a myriad of textbooks and class notes from well meaning veterinarians. After several attempts I finally passed the NAVLE by using the VetPrep as a core study guideline. Thank you so much for creating this material!
I have testing anxiety, my first stab at NAVLE found me in denial - I did very few of the VetPrep questions. Second stab at NAVLE, I didn't do VetPrep, still in denial. Third attempt, I answered all of the practice questions. The Support team at VetPrep was wonderful at getting me set up with VetPrep. I can not say enough great things about them! And I passed! The repetition of the questions really helps with memory and definitely takes some of the anxiety away for those of us that freeze during tests. I felt more confident after VetPrep and better prepared - I also feel the program helps hone reasoning skills because the answers are explained - so you get a lot of why the answer is such.
VetPrep is the bomb! I strongly feel that the VetPrep program was a thorough and comprehensive approach to preparing for the NAVLE. It was the only means of studying I completed prior to passing the exam the first time. I highly recommend the course to veterinary students 1-2 months prior to taking the NAVLE! It is well-worth the money spent.
I loved the reason for each answer that is used with VetPrep. It is quick and to the point which allows for easier retention of the material. I also found the way your test section was set-up got me in the groove for NAVLE. I was much more at ease sitting at a computer taking an exam after doing VetPrep.
Even though I was a good student in vet school, I had a difficult time passing the NAVLE I used all of the review books and guides, etc., but missed passing by a point. VetPrep made all the difference. The explanations are great, as well as the repetition of the questions. With it being web-based, I liked that I could use it from wherever I had internet access. I felt very prepared for the exam and passed with flying colors this time. Thanks for providing such a comprehensive review. I will definitely recommend it to others!
VetPrep was excellent. The explanations to the questions were great and the support staff answered all my questions. The format is just like the NAVLE and as I sat down to take the boards I realized how glad I was that I took VetPrep.
This was the best tool I used to study for the NAVLE. Not only were the questions on a broad range of topics, some of which I hadn't thought to study, but it was also fun to use. I have a laptop and was able to access the site from almost anywhere I was. On the NAVLE, I had some similar questions to topics that I had previously seen on VetPrep - this boosted my confidence during my writing of the NAVLE. Thank you so much to VetPrep! I passed and I thank you for that!